Lighting a fire

It’s not hard to light a fire in your wood burning stove. You just need to know a little about how it’s done and what it takes to get the fire going. Read good advice on how to make your wood burning stove a success.

Using a simple method while knowing how and when to regulate the air, you’ll easily obtain optimal combustion.

Overheating puts a strain on your stove


Overheating of the stove is a common mistake that can have serious consequences for the lifespan of your stove. In this article, you can learn more about what you can do to avoid overheating and thus extend the life of your stove.

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How to combine underfloor heating and wood burning stove


Combining a lower underfloor heating temperature with the heat from your wood burning stove reduces CO2 emissions and gives you more heating flexibility at home.

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Choose the right wood pellets for your pellet stove


If you’re the happy owner of a pellet stove, you should learn a thing or two about wood pellets. For example, do you know which pellets burn best? Or how to test the quality of your pellets at home? This article will give you the answers – and much more knowledge about pellets in general.

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The role of fire in human evolution


A study in cognitive evolution shows that fire has played a significant role in the development of the human mind as we know it today.

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5 tips for cleaning and maintaining your wood burning stove


Spring's is in the air and once the sun is out, many wood burning stove owners reduce the use of their wood burning stoves. When the wood burning stove is cold, it's a good idea to clean and maintain it so it's ready for use when the weather starts cooling down again.

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Maintenance of your wood burning stove


Here you'll find a basic guide for maintaining your wood burning stove. A good and regular maintenance of the wood burning stove will ensure you a better firing process and a stove that will last longer. Cleaning doesn't have to take that long and the more often you do it, the easier it'll be to clean.

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Efficiency - make the most of your firewood


It's important that you always use dry firewood in your wood burning stove. If you use moist firewood, you won't reach maximum efficiency and heat. Read more about why you should always use dry firewood and why this is the best solution.

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Dry firewood makes for cleanest possible combustion


When you light a fire in your wood burning stove, it is important that the firewood has the correct moisture content and that it has been split and cut into an appropriate size. Scientific tests show that this is significant if you want to get the most heat out of your wood. Read about the test from TFZ here.

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How to light a fire correctly in your wood burning stove


It's important to light a fire in your wood burning stove correctly. This way you'll get the most out of your firewood and minimise your impact on the environment.

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A stove fan improves the air circulation


A stove fan ensures that the heat is dispersed evenly throughout the room and that the stove doesn't just heat up the air right around it.

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